1 Lidane  Nov 30, 2010 1:16:09pm

That idiocy has been making the rounds on the right. Case in point:

Bush Speechwriter Marc Thiessen Suggests Invading U.S.-Allied Nations To Capture WikiLeaks Founder

Because the answer to WikiLeaks is to hunt down and kill someone, or invading one of our allies. ///

I mean, I get all the outrage over the leaks. I understand that. However, the answer isn’t to fly off the handle like this. Reason has to prevail, otherwise what’s the point?

2 shutdown  Nov 30, 2010 1:30:29pm

Lidane, I agree. It is precisely for application in cases where we might otherwise be tempted to go off half-cocked that we have laws, treaties and the like. And if some clandestine cybercrimes unit can disrupt Wikileaks… well, that’s just fair play, if you ask me. But all this spittle-spraying, bug-eyed calling to arms - it’s a bit much for some mildly embarrassing diplomatic cables.

3 HappyWarrior  Nov 30, 2010 1:33:34pm

Well this is why I am grateful everyday that this woman is not president. Like Lidane I understand the outrage but this is a gross overreaction to say the least.

4 shutdown  Nov 30, 2010 1:39:47pm

Let us hope, HappyWarrior, that we can extend your feelings of gratitude past the next presidential elections.

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